Exterior front of the building pictured with snow on the ground. Label on photo reads, “St. Paul Hosp. Rimbey, Alta 1932-1949.” From album containing St. Paul’s Hospital, Rimbey, (Alta.) photos.
Interior of chapel. There are four prie-dieux facing the altar. Handwriting on photo reads, “Chapel Rimbey St. Paul Hosp. 1940.” From album containing St. Paul’s Hospital, Rimbey, (Alta.) photos.
Front of the hospital. Handwriting on top of photo reads, “Rimbey Hospital, Alberta. Sisters of St. Joseph 1932-1949. Photo shows car in front and pole with birdhouse. From album containing St. Paul’s Hospital, Rimbey, (Alta.) photos.
St. Paul’s Hospital, Rimbey, (Alta.) Sister Loretta, Sister Mary Joseph, two visiting Sisters, and friends, posing outdoors. Date estimated 1960.
Four Sisters dressed in traditional habits posing on the front steps of St. Paul’s Hospital, Rimbey, (Alta). Sister Mary Joseph Williams, St. Michael Henry (Catherine), Elizabeth Wilkinson, and St. John Kuefler. From album containing St. Paul’s Hospital, Rimbey, (Alta.) photos.